Miscellaneous documents

Includes Rife’s birth and death certificates, and documents difficult to categorize. Listed in approximate date order.

Genealogical, family, and legal documents

Rife’s birth certificate - This is a delayed birth certificate issued to Rife in 1939, and likely has errors. Nonetheless it is a valid record of his birth on 16 May 1888.

Nina Dryden affidavit - The statements in this document were given in 1939 by Rife’s aunt Nina Culver Rife Dryden, in support of Rife’s delayed birth certificate application. There are likely numerous errors in this document.

Andean Anthropological Expedition Award - On 10 August 1940, Rife received a research fellowship award from the Andean Anthropological Expedition Institute for Scientific Research.

Rife travel document - This travel paper is for a trip Rife took to Mexico in 1953.

Mamie Rife’s death certificate - From Mamie (Mayme) Rife’s death on 8 October 1957.

Rife’s will - An official court copy of the will dated 8 October 1958.

Rife purported passport application - We include this post-1958 document only as an example of a bogus item that has emerged about Rife. Not only is some information on this paper known to be false, but the handwriting may be from John Crane instead of Royal Rife.

Rife’s assignment of microscope rights - A document assigning all rights of Rife’s microscope technology to John Crane, dated 4 March 1968.

Royal Rife’s death certificate - From Royal Rife’s death on 5 August 1971.

Royal Rife’s eulogy - From the date of his funeral 11 August 1971.